Improve the git status colors based on git stages

Improve the git status colors based on git stages

Using git commands based on its stage is pretty handy, however, the default git status colors isn't that helpful.

In this way, I rather recommend you adding few configurations over the .gitconfig file in order to make it better.

Add the following lines inside your ~/.gitconfig file:

   diff = auto
   status = auto
   branch = auto
   interactive = auto
   ui = auto

[color "branch"]
   current = green bold
   local = green
   remote = red bold

[color "status"]
   added = green bold
   changed = yellow bold
   untracked = red

As a result, the git status command will look better in terms of changes based on which git stage.


If you want to understand more about the commands based on the Git Stages, I recommend you check this article out.

